Bug in VirtualDub & ClockX or Portablizer software

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Bug in VirtualDub & ClockX or Portablizer software

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 16 Octobre 2009, 10:38

It seems there is bug in the portablizer software.

I have posted earlier that there was a problem with ClocX when selecting ring.wav - small letter "r" was the THIS IS A SPAM DELETE ME.

The same problem is with Virtual dub but the letter here is small "n".

If you work on VirtualDub with any file named with a small "n" ( such as newvideo.avi or nicevideo.avi etc.)- the recent file list gets corrupted with the letter "n" replaced by some unknown box type character after cloasing virtualdub twice.

Anyone else has encounter or verified this problem.
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Re:Bug in VirtualDub & ClockX or Portablizer software

Messagede opendev » 19 Octobre 2009, 22:04

Hello akhouri_sarvesh,

You are right, it was a bug in the portabilizer (registry management).

It has been solved and a new portabilizer is now available in the last patch just release.

Thanks a lot for your feedback
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Platinum Boarder
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Re:Bug in VirtualDub & ClockX or Portablizer software

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 20 Octobre 2009, 20:20

:) Thanks for the patch.

I updated my LiberKey and tested virtualdub using small"n" named files and clocx with small "r" for ring.wav -

Its OK now.
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Senior Boarder
Senior Boarder
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Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

Re:Bug in VirtualDub & ClockX or Portablizer software

Messagede opendev » 20 Octobre 2009, 21:23

Thanks akhouri_sarvesh for your feedback :)
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Platinum Boarder
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