Chrome: Can install it but i cant open any page [Solved]

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Chrome: Can install it but i cant open any page [Solved]

Messagede noaven » 12 Février 2010, 11:27


I read some related problems with google chrome but didnt find any related to mine ...

I can install chrome - update it - and run it normally !

but it simply wont work if i try to open a website!

-The LK directory is on E: straight
-I have try to run it as admin both LK and chrome


any ideas?

Edit: win7 64bit

thank you
Dernière édition par noaven le 02 Juin 2010, 20:43, édité 1 fois.
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Re: Chrome: Can install it but i cant open any page

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 13 Février 2010, 18:57

noaven a écrit:I read some related problems with google chrome but didnt find any related to mine ...

I think Google Chrome still has issues with Win7 64bit - read in several forums.
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Re: Chrome: Can install it but i cant open any page

Messagede noaven » 13 Février 2010, 19:13

maybe chrome 4 ... order versions are working fine!!! :/
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Inscription: 08 Janvier 2010, 16:56

Re: Chrome: Can install it but i cant open any page

Messagede opendev » 02 Juin 2010, 20:11

Hello noaven

Google Chrome 5.0.375.55 rev1 just published should now work on Win7 64bit !
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Re: Chrome: Can install it but i cant open any page

Messagede noaven » 02 Juin 2010, 20:31

thanks very much opendev !!! ill checkit out and post back! :)

Edit: Works Great!! Thank you very much :)
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Inscription: 08 Janvier 2010, 16:56

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