Autorun Liberkey 5.0
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Autorun Liberkey 5.0Hi all, i am using LiberKey 5.0 is awesome .
I have a question, when i connect my usb drive in the pc the liberkey menu doesn't start automatically. Is there a option in Liberkey or something that i can do? I think the problem is on the autorun.inf, it doesn't exist lol. Help .
Re: Autorun Liberkey 5.0[autorun]
open=Liberkey.exe icon=Liberkey.exe Save the above text in a text document and rename the file to autorun.inf You are good to go. More info in this thread viewtopic.php?f=29&t=3602&start=0&hilit=autorun.inf Oh and try to use the search box next time Terminator over and out Terminator over and out
La Liberté éclairant le monde - Liberty Enlightening the World
Re: Autorun Liberkey 5.0
Re: Autorun Liberkey 5.0Thanks!!
Re: Autorun Liberkey 5.0Tried to find a way in Windows 10. Seems they deactivated the AutoRun (and witch for AutoPlay instead) for security purposes.... Anyway to have a liberkey start automatically upon insertion?
Re: Autorun Liberkey 5.0Not possible anyway since Windows 7 (except using tricks to avoid security which is definitively not a good idea)
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