Publish an own application

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Publish an own application

Messagede bichlepa » 03 Janvier 2011, 19:59

Hello everybody.
I have written a good Vocabulary Trainer with the Script Language AutoHotkey. After some time of developpment I think that it is good enough to be published.

I have never published a program and I have no idea of what I have to observe.

Where can I publish it? Is Sourceforge a good platform or should I create an own homepage?
Does my program need a license? Whitch one should I take?
Can I call it "PABI Vocabulary Trainer"? Won't I get trouble if the word "PABI" already appears somewhere else?
Did I forget something that I have to observe?

Thanks for your advises. :)
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: Publish an own application

Messagede bichlepa » 05 Janvier 2011, 23:48

I have published the Vocabulary trainer:

Unfortunately it is not yet available in english. It is only in german.
But maybe later... ;)
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: Publish an own application

Messagede terminator1234 » 06 Janvier 2011, 10:48

Congrats Bichlepa :woohoo:

AHK is a great platform to code applications on. I see that you have chosen GPL as the licence, and it fits perfectly.
The guys at AHK will host your scripts. So don't worry about publishing :P
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

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