Installing v.4 on top of v3?

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Installing v.4 on top of v3?

Messagede rockyinnc » 09 Juillet 2008, 03:26

When installing a new version of the software, do you just install it over top of the original?

Are all the settings and data saved or are they written over in the process?

Please advise...

Thank you,

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 06 Juillet 2008, 03:39
Localisation: North Carolina, USA

Re:Installing v.4 on top of v3?

Messagede JP4U » 09 Juillet 2008, 08:26

Sorry, it isn't possible to do this opération.
The version 4 has a new portabilization process with new launchers for all the softs.
Now you can have updates online for all the softs that are integrate in the key.

For changing version of liberkey the better method :

you rename the folder of liberkey v3 as liberkey3, for example.
You install the new version (v4) in a new folder liberkey (as C:liberkey).
After, for your personal data for Firefox, you copy the files of your old folder Data in the new Firefox Data (LiberKeyAppsFirefox). For Thunderbird you can do the same operation with Data (LiberKeyAppsThunderbird).
For other softs, you can have more information in the forums.

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