Latest 4.7 update
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Latest 4.7 updateThe latest 4.7 update breaks LiberKey as once applied no applications will load. I believe that this is a problem with LiberKeyPortabilizer.
Below is the text from the updater.
Re: Latest 4.7 updateAnalysis is ongoing (viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3257)
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Latest 4.7 updateHello,
Could you please give us your configuration : - OS and version ? - right on your computer (admin, user) ? - are you on a domain controler ? - antivirus version ? - when you execute liberkeyportabilizer.exe (in liberkeytools), version of portabilizer ? Does-it work if you launch liberkey.exe (root of your liberkey) with admin right (right click, run as admin) ? Thanks in advance, we really need feed-back from users in order to solve the problem
Re: Latest 4.7 updateIn order to get more information regarding this bug, please reply to opendev before trying the following workaround:
While we haven't published a fix, you can extract, copy and paste the file LiberkeyPortabilizer.exe from Liberkey Platform (EN) into LiberkeyPortabilizer folder. "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Latest 4.7 updateI'm using Windows 7 RC, which i'm an Admin of the computer (Using UAC) so my effective permissions of a normal user. My PC is attached to a domain and isn't running any Anti Virus software.
The version of my LiberKey Portabilizer is v2.0.0.298 I have enabled the log and all i get in the log is the following.
I don't know if this will help but using process monitor I have found that the new version loads WINSTA.DLL and the old version doesn't. On loading this DLL this is where the new version is bombing out.
Re: Latest 4.7 updatePlease try to replace LiberkeyPortabilizer provided here :
viewtopic.php?p=22394#p22400 Please ensure there are no process LiberkeyPortabilizer.exe in task manager (close all Liberkey integrated applications) when you copy the new LiberKeyPortabilizer. "Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: Latest 4.7 updateYep, that version works.
Re: Latest 4.7 update
great! thanks for feedback
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