Fichier De Configuration Invalid

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Fichier De Configuration Invalid

Messagede jokerjokerer » 08 Juillet 2009, 15:49

I just installed LiberKey Ultimate on a portable USB stick: Sandisk Cruzer Micro 8 GB.

[img size=150][/img]

On the PC I installed it, it works flawlessly. However when I started on a different machine(one that we have at the University) a strange error popped up:

The Error I get you can see on the picture below:

[img size=150][/img]

What could be the problem ?

PS. Every program doesn't starts, the error is the same always. Portable programs that are portable on their own(and were added via Add option to LiberKey) start without errors (KMPlayer in our case).

Ideas ?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 07 Juillet 2009, 10:38

Re:Fichier De Configuration Invalid

Messagede Laurentxp » 08 Juillet 2009, 16:04

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