Open Office Removed?

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Open Office Removed?

Messagede dovari » 15 Juin 2010, 06:21

Hi All...

i had Open Office installed in my PC, (one of my Liberkey applications).

about 3 days ago, i find that the application was removed. I think that the problem begin with the update of the Jun 10.

Now i try to remove, reinstall, all the Ofimatic Suite, but the problem is continue...

can anyone help me?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 26
Inscription: 12 Juin 2009, 13:08

Re: Open Office Removed?

Messagede Dji » 15 Juin 2010, 08:21

What happens when you try to reinstall OpenOffice ?
Do you have similar issue with another application ?
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Re: Open Office Removed?

Messagede dovari » 15 Juin 2010, 09:55

Dji a écrit:What happens when you try to reinstall OpenOffice ?
Do you have similar issue with another application ?

when i reinstall, all the process is OK. i have no receive any error.
1. when i open the application i receive an alert with: "cannot find .... application"
2. The Open Office Folder into the Apps Liberkey Folder, is "empty" only in one folder and no more...

Thanks for your help!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 26
Inscription: 12 Juin 2009, 13:08

Re: Open Office Removed?

Messagede Dji » 15 Juin 2010, 11:02

Sounds like an antispyware/antivirus which blocks the install process.
Try to temporally deactivate it and try again to install it.

If it does not work, download the offline patch (.lks) :
2010-06-15 10 53 31.jpg
2010-06-15 10 53 31.jpg (39.26 Kio) Vu 18380 fois

And run it. Be sure you have KFA - KeyfileAssoc - running and file extensions associated to Liberkey applications in order to launch automatically Liberkey Installer (LKInst.exe) :
(example with Kitty with the French version of Liberkey Installer)
2010-06-15 11 00 07.jpg
2010-06-15 11 00 07.jpg (45.4 Kio) Vu 18380 fois

If it still does not work, rename .lks to .zip, unzip it and copy OpenOffice subfolder (not with "_EN") into Liberkey\Apps\ folder.

At any steps, let us know which kind of errors you got.
could you please let us know what is your antiviurs/antispyware and which operating system (32/64 bits ?) you have.
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Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
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Re: Open Office Removed?

Messagede dovari » 15 Juin 2010, 18:14

Dji a écrit:Sounds like an antispyware/antivirus which blocks the install process.
Try to temporally deactivate it and try again to install it.

If it does not work, download the offline patch (.lks) :
2010-06-15 10 53 31.jpg

And run it. Be sure you have KFA - KeyfileAssoc - running and file extensions associated to Liberkey applications in order to launch automatically Liberkey Installer (LKInst.exe) :
(example with Kitty with the French version of Liberkey Installer)
2010-06-15 11 00 07.jpg

If it still does not work, rename .lks to .zip, unzip it and copy OpenOffice subfolder (not with "_EN") into Liberkey\Apps\ folder.

At any steps, let us know which kind of errors you got.
could you please let us know what is your antiviurs/antispyware and which operating system (32/64 bits ?) you have.

The First options worked!!!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 26
Inscription: 12 Juin 2009, 13:08

Re: Open Office Removed?

Messagede Dji » 15 Juin 2010, 20:47

dovari a écrit:The First options worked!!!Thanks!

The best now would be to put "*" in your antivirus/antispyware white list (web protection)
But also Liberkey download (temporary) folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\<your_account_login_here>\Local Settings\Temp\lbkData
"Si boire des coups, aller au concert ou au match, ça devient un combat
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
Localisation: Quelque part entre les ombres

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