liberkey works in one computer but not in the other

A problem using LiberKey ?
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liberkey works in one computer but not in the other

Messagede jgte » 15 Septembre 2010, 00:07

Installed liberkey in computer A, works fine, no glitch. Copy liberkey dir over the net to computer B, menu shows ok, updates go smoothly, browser catalog/install works but when I try to run any program, nothing happens. Hourglass cursor comes up for a moment, then nothing. Any app.

Tried installing from scratch in computer B (download 5.0 0901 setup, hand picked apps from browser install thingy, same process as in computer A), same problem.

Worked flawlessly everywhere when in 4.9. WinXP on both computers, admin privs, file permissions wide open.

Any ideas?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 14 Septembre 2010, 23:58

Re: liberkey works in one computer but not in the other

Messagede jensun » 23 Mars 2011, 09:53

Hi, I have the exact same problem. Any installation of liberkey does not work on one of my computers but works fine on others.

The problem is that applications won´t start. Nothing happens when I try to start them. However updates work just fine and liberkey meny starts without a problem.

The problem started only a couple of weeks ago. Before that there were no problems.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 23 Mars 2011, 09:47

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