Program short cuts

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Program short cuts

Messagede Maettes » 27 Janvier 2011, 12:18

Good morning,
I have set several shortcuts to start programs, mostly beginning with STRG + ALT + any letter. But I really don't remember all the short cuts at the moment, must be too much.

How can I get a list of all the shortcuts I have set? Searched the forum and help files but I could not find any thing. Does some one has an idea?

Kind regards from Dortmund

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 14
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:51

Re: Program short cuts

Messagede terminator1234 » 27 Janvier 2011, 16:07

LiberKeyTools/LiberKeyMenu/data/Menu/default.xml - For standard apps
LiberKeyTools/LiberKeyMenu/data/Menu/myapps.xml - For MyApps

For example I have Firefox to launch with this hotkey combination - "CTRL+ALT+F". It's setting is stored in the default.xml file as follows

Code: Tout sélectionner
−<Category name="Internet" icon="internet.ico" id="internet">
   −<Category name="Browser" icon="auto:Blue" id="internet:browser" expanded="yes">
     −<Software id="firefox" cpt="845">
        <HotKey key="70" modifiers="3"/>

So the string <HotKey key="70" represents the hotkey.

But I don't know how the hotkey string "CTRL+ALT+F" is converted into the number 70 . So I will list a couple of my hotkeys and the number stored in the xml file.

CTRL+ALT+A = 65 (Everything)
CTRL+ALT+C = 67 (TeraCopy)
CTRL+ALT+D = 68 (FreeDownloadManager)
CTRL+ALT+F = 70 (Firefox)

I hope I did not give you a headache with all this stuff :lol:
May be the big boys might give us more info on this *cough*opendev,skybird*cough* :P
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

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Re: Program short cuts

Messagede Maettes » 28 Janvier 2011, 10:42

Good morning,
thanks terminator1234, that helped me to find out all the shortcuts I have set.

But maybe it would be a really good idea, to get a link in the liberkey menu, to get this out.
Kind regards from Dortmund

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 14
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:51

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