Duplicate Entry In Menu

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Duplicate Entry In Menu

Messagede ehoagland66 » 29 Janvier 2011, 17:19


This is a minor issue, but I seem to have a duplicate entry in my "Most Used" menu:


Both links point to the exact same executable.

I have no idea how I did that, but it's weird, and it won't go away.

Thought you'd be interested in seeing this one.

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Re: Duplicate Entry In Menu

Messagede bichlepa » 29 Janvier 2011, 17:55

It's the same with ClockX on my LiberKey.

That occurs when you have more than one shortcut for an application in your LiberKey. So if you sometimes open ColorConsole by going through the menu and sometimes click on the Icon in the righthand side of your LiberKey both Icons will appear in Most Used.
It's also the same with Recent. Try to open an application by using one shortcut, then close the application, then open it by clicking on an other shortcut. You will see that there will be two icons side by side for that application in recent.
So the LiberKey team has to do some homework. ;)
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