"Caption" on LiberKey Launcher for multiple LiberKey install

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"Caption" on LiberKey Launcher for multiple LiberKey install

Messagede newbie01.others » 08 Mars 2011, 21:51


Is it possible to change the caption on LiberKey so that it shows LiberKey 5.1.0304 - Ultimate or LiberKey 5.1.0304 - @Home instead of just LiberKey 5.1.0304? In short, I want to change the pop-up balloon program name or something like that.

Reason am wanting to do this is 'coz am using all three (3) LiberKey suites but can only use one of the suites at one time and depends on where I am. If I can change the program caption, then I can easily determine which one of the suites I've started.

Pretty-soon, I will be having several LiberKey and each having different application installed and I will have troubles knowing which ones I've started.

Any advice or tips will be much appreciated. Thanks ... :)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 08 Mars 2011, 12:48

Re: "Caption" on LiberKey Launcher for multiple LiberKey ins

Messagede bichlepa » 08 Mars 2011, 22:05

It's not exactly what you want, but maybe it can help you a bit.
You can change the color of your LiberKey in the settings.
You can also try to change the system tray icon of your LiberKey.
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: "Caption" on LiberKey Launcher for multiple LiberKey ins

Messagede vagabond » 11 Mars 2011, 20:32


newbie01.others a écrit:Is it possible to change the caption on LiberKey so that it shows LiberKey 5.1.0304 - Ultimate or LiberKey 5.1.0304 - @Home instead of just LiberKey 5.1.0304? In short, I want to change the pop-up balloon program name or something like that.
You should try the latest version (5.1.0311) available in the beta channel.
- Apply the patch
- Quit LiberKey
- Edit the file LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\LiberKeyMenu.xml (make a backup before editing..)
Code: Tout sélectionner
.... (keep the rest of the file unchanged) ...
- Restart your LiberKey

The tooltip that appears over the systray icon will contain your text, after "LiberKey 5.x.xxxx"
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