update failure

A problem using LiberKey ?
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update failure

Messagede gorkon » 21 Mars 2011, 14:29


I experience the following problem: While starting daily work with LK (4.9, on a USB stick),
the suite and apps whithin are willing to update, which is a good thing and regular behaviour,
as it always was before. However, nothing will happen, i.e. the 'go' button is inactive (greyed
out) and will intefinitely remain in this state. Otherwise all apps are smoothly doing their job,
and the stick itself is OK (no soft nor hard bugs following various checks).

Absolutely nothing has been changed on the stick, I only had a break of 3 months while moving
my job to another city, during which time I did not use the stick and thus no updates occurred.
I do not remember exactly the LK version I started with (4.0 or 4.2) anyhow, up to the present
one I'm using (4.9), there were no snags.

Did someone else experience this and, does someone have a solution for ? Thanx a lot.

Last but not least: 'History.txt' partly and 'Version.txt' below:

--------------------------------- HISTORY -----------------------------------
Version 4.9_EN - 11/05/2010 - 289 applications
LiberKey Tools updated:
- LiberKeyPortabilizer 2.0.334
- KeyFileAssoc 1.8.14
... etc.

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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mars 2011, 13:33

Re: update failure

Messagede bichlepa » 21 Mars 2011, 14:43

You are still using LiberKey 4? :blink:
LiberKey 4.x is no more supported! You should migrate to LiberKey 5. After that you should be able to update all your applications.
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: update failure

Messagede gorkon » 21 Mars 2011, 15:03

Well, yes...

due to a break in using LK.
Anyway, I don't get the fact that 4.9 does not update to 5.x

However, thanx a lot for the idea, I will install 5.x and move all apps to it.
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mars 2011, 13:33

Re: update failure

Messagede bichlepa » 21 Mars 2011, 15:19

gorkon a écrit:I will install 5.x and move all apps to it.

Yes you can do so. After moving your applications from the old "Apps"-folder click on LiberKey tools -> Manage applications -> Add/delete applications -> Detect new applications.
Now LiberKey should add all shortcuts and create the standard subfolders for them.
If you have added some applications manually you have to add them to the new LK manually. ;)

I think it is also possible to migrate from the old version to the new version. I did so when LK 5 was released. LiberKey 5 should be able to copy all applications and the folder structure automatically. But I don't remember how to do this exactly. :-(
German translator
German translator
Messages: 110
Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: update failure

Messagede gorkon » 21 Mars 2011, 15:50

too bad...

I hazily remember (few months ago before work break) a message on the screen
telling me something like: 'LK 5.0 soon available, update/upgrade from 4.x' ?!

Do the 5.0 and latter upgrades contain such major changes compared with 4.9 ?
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mars 2011, 13:33

Re: update failure

Messagede vagabond » 21 Mars 2011, 16:09

hello gorkon

The automatic update process from 4.x to 5.x is no longer available, but you can still upgrade manually.
gorkon a écrit:However, thanx a lot for the idea, I will install 5.x and move all apps to it.
Yes, that's what you should do. Move (or copy) all your apps to a fresh LiberKey 5 with no apps installed, including the "Asuite" folder. The menu will prompt you to import the tree from the menu you had in the LiberKey 4.x.

If you use file association (KFA), you'll have to copy the file \Apps\KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.xml to \LiberKeyTools\KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.xml.
After copying, edit \LiberKeyTools\KeyFileAssoc\KeyFileAssoc.xml and change the line <AppsRoot>..</AppsRoot> to <AppsRoot>..\..\Apps</AppsRoot>

gorkon a écrit:Do the 5.0 and latter upgrades contain such major changes compared with 4.9 ?
Yes !
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Re: update failure

Messagede gorkon » 21 Mars 2011, 17:28

Well, thank you so much vagabond !

I'll go ahead with your instructions.

Next week I'll be back posting.

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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mars 2011, 13:33

Re: update failure

Messagede gorkon » 04 Avril 2011, 13:01

Thank you so much guys !

vagabond & bichlepa - your help is greatly appreciated, after moving all my stuff to a fresh install of LK 5.2,
as you told me to do, life has turned back to pink (la vie en rose).

Only thing I didn't do (yet), was to adjust that line you mentioned (vagabond) for KFA, since LK starts kind of
gentlemen-like and immediately associates file extension.

Kind regards,

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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 16
Inscription: 21 Mars 2011, 13:33

Re: update failure

Messagede vagabond » 04 Avril 2011, 13:30

Hello gorkon,

Happy to see that you solved your problem :)

gorkon a écrit:Only thing I didn't do (yet), was to adjust that line you mentioned (vagabond) for KFA, since LK starts kind of gentlemen-like and immediately associates file extension.
If you didn't do any customisation in your file associations, and if everything seems to be ok, you also can keep the defaults... ;)
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Inscription: 14 Février 2007, 11:13

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