Portable applications catalog
Password Generator
Password Generator 3.5
Priority update
Password Generator
Password Generator
Password Generator is a password generator with many options. You can simply define the content type of passwords to generate (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, special characters, position etc.). Your configuration can be saved in a template (the software includes some default templates for generating WEP, WPA Wifi keys etc.).
It can also generate up to 1000 passwords based on your template (can be saved in a text file).
Installation in the LiberKey
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Download size : 137.10 KB
Required disk space : 549.74 KB
Past 7 days88 162
Past 30 days423 155
Total475.237 173
Information about the application
License : Freeware
Platform : XP/Vista/7/8 + Framework .NET 2.0
To install automatically Password Generator on your LiberKey, make sure you previously activated files associations from the "LiberKey Tools" menu.

You can then open the file directly to start the installation.