LBKINST protocol

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LBKINST protocol

Messagede cabrera.adolfo » 09 Septembre 2010, 21:38

The second time I tried to install a new app from the catalog firefox asked which is the program to open the lbkinst protocol, so because I didnt know anything about that just selected the firefox.exe executable file, now every time I need to install a new app new tabs are opened one after the other and never stops, it obvious that I did a big mistake and I dont know how to restore, delete or fix this problem, can you give me suggestions or any help please!!!. I cant find anything from the forums, I just found one alternative saying we can download the new app the drag it to the LKInst.exe file, and this alternative works ok, but i need to have access using the appropiate url association by using the not by downloading offline.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 08 Septembre 2010, 06:54

Re: LBKINST protocol

Messagede skybird » 09 Septembre 2010, 21:59

Hello cabrera.adolfo.

cabrera.adolfo a écrit:The second time I tried to install a new app from the catalog firefox asked which is the program to open the lbkinst protocol,

Did you enable file associations ? (LiberKey Tools >> Enable file assocations)

cabrera.adolfo a écrit:so because I didnt know anything about that just selected the firefox.exe executable file,

For removing:
In Firefox go to Tools >> Options >> Applications >> on lbkinst line >> Applications details >> Select Firefox.exe and click on Remove.
Gold Boarder
Gold Boarder
Messages: 1766
Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: LBKINST protocol

Messagede cabrera.adolfo » 09 Septembre 2010, 23:04

Yes, File Associations is inabled (because the option says "disable file association" right now), so the current state is "enabled"
Maybe we are using different firefox versions (mine is 3.6.8) or idfferent liberkey version (mine is 5.0) because after the steps:
Tools >> Options >> Applications >> on lbkinst line >>, my options are not: Applications details >> Select Firefox.exe and click on Remove
instead I have in the lbkinst line the following: "always ask", "use liberkey inst (default)" and "use other"
so, what do I choose from those three options??, and, is there any other step???
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 2
Inscription: 08 Septembre 2010, 06:54

Re: LBKINST protocol

Messagede Laurentxp » 21 Septembre 2010, 15:09

"always ask"
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