Unable to download automatically

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Unable to download automatically

Messagede Dukewayne9 » 25 Juillet 2009, 23:45

When I try to automatically install an update or new program into LiberKey, I get a popup messge "An error occured while trying to recover LiberKey updates applications. Do you have internet access?" Obviously I do have internet access because I am looking at the LiberKey webpage. Manual download and installation works fine. I am using MS Vista; don't use a proxy server; I am on a home network. Any suggestions? Thanks
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 25 Juillet 2009, 22:55

Re:Unable to download automatically

Messagede andromede_dc » 26 Juillet 2009, 00:13


Have a look on your firewall and router.

You have to autorize :
Iron Boarder
Iron Boarder
Messages: 600
Inscription: 28 Octobre 2007, 22:55

Re:Unable to download automatically

Messagede Dukewayne9 » 27 Juillet 2009, 18:09

I tried reinstalling Liberkey and using the automatic update with no firewall and no antivirus running and still get same error message. Liberkey works fine on my XP machine but will not work on Vista.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 6
Inscription: 25 Juillet 2009, 22:55

Re:Unable to download automatically

Messagede dloomer » 28 Juillet 2009, 18:59

When you launch LiberKey on Windows Vista try to 'Run as administrator'. It fixed all my update and download issues at least on the Basic version.

If you right-click on the LiberKey icon, that will be one of the choices available
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 28 Juillet 2009, 06:35

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