Liberkey 5.0 in autostart

A problem using LiberKey ?
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Liberkey 5.0 in autostart

Messagede Rusty_Shackleford » 04 Septembre 2010, 09:33

Where is the option to add liberkey 5.0 to austostart? I couldn't find it.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 19 Octobre 2009, 20:02

Re: Liberkey 5.0 in autostart

Messagede irawr123 » 04 Septembre 2010, 15:13

You will have to put a shortcut of Liberkey.exe in the startup folder.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 14
Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 01:42

Re: Liberkey 5.0 in autostart

Messagede Rusty_Shackleford » 04 Septembre 2010, 15:41

I did that, but in 4.9 there was an option on this.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 10
Inscription: 19 Octobre 2009, 20:02

Re: Liberkey 5.0 in autostart

Messagede opendev » 04 Septembre 2010, 19:11

No option at this moment but already added in the next release !
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
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