[Solved] Menu disappeared

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[Solved] Menu disappeared

Postby Greenbriars » 06 December 2012, 12:15

I have been using LiberKey for some years and would not be without it.

This morning me PC crashed and when it restarted I noticed the following:

Message saying LiberKey had been updated, but LiberKey.exe is dated 06/04/12
Version is

Liberkey menu has disappeared except for the only item I have added to My menu, which also appears in recent and most used.

How can I restore or rebuild my Likerkey menu?

Please help.

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Re: Menu disappeared

Postby JP4U » 06 December 2012, 22:58

Hello and welcome on forums.
Hope these crash isn't too serious :cry:

In Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data\Menu you can find a directory name bak.
In it, you have some backups.

Close your liberkey ; rename your actual default.xml for example default_crashed.xml, then go in
Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data\Menu\bak, copy one of the file like
default_2012-11-29_00-36-27.xml and then rename it default.xml.
After, try restart your Liberkey.

It's possible you have to restore too myapps.xml ; recent.xml ; quicklaunch.xml like for default.xml

Hope your Liberkey could be totally restored.

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Re: Menu disappeared

Postby MultiSoft » 19 December 2012, 14:03

Hi JP4U,

Thanks for the info, it helped me fix my liberkey :lol: :lol: , where the menu had also vanished. :cry:

The reason seems to have been that LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu must contain default.xml, and mine didn't. Copying and renaming, from the bak folder, like you showed, did the trick.

I mention this as, because I didn't have default.xml to start with, I didn't know where to put it!

Thanks again
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Re: Menu disappeared

Postby Farrukh » 03 January 2013, 12:39

Love you buddy..

I just faced same issue and lost LiberKey menu. Ony MyMenu was there. With your guide, I'm able to restore it..

Thanks a lot
JP4U wrote:Hello and welcome on forums.
Hope these crash isn't too serious :cry:

In Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data\Menu you can find a directory name bak.
In it, you hame some backups.

Close your liberkey ; rename your actual default.xml for example default_crashed.xml, then go in
Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\LiberkeyMenu\data\Menu\bak, copy one of the file like
default_2012-11-29_00-36-27.xml and then rename it default.xml.
After, try restart your Liberkey.

It's possible you have to restore too myapps.xml ; recent.xml ; quicklaunch.xml like for default.xml

Hope your Liberkey could be totally restored.

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