Removing invlid shortcuts in batch.

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Removing invlid shortcuts in batch.

Postby Farrukh » 26 March 2013, 14:20

Is there any functionality in LiberKey to remove invalid shortcuts in batch?

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Re: Removing invlid shortcuts in batch.

Postby Dji » 26 March 2013, 14:52

Not included in the catalog but you can try ShortcutsMan
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Re: Removing invlid shortcuts in batch.

Postby Farrukh » 26 March 2013, 15:45

Thanks for quick reply.

I mean to remove invalid shortcuts from Liberkey? Is the tool doing so?

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Re: Removing invlid shortcuts in batch.

Postby Dji » 26 March 2013, 16:54

Sorry for misunderstanding, and you're right, this is not the right tool... Liberkey does not have such tool doing this. You will have to do it manually !
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