Development tools

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Development tools

Postby dfkettle » 23 June 2009, 19:41

I have another question, this time about available software. Although there's a wide range of applications available, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of development tools, such as programming languages (for example, Java, Python, PHP, Haskell, etc.) or databases (for example, MySQL). Any plans for adding some development tools?

Alternatively, is it possible to add applications ourselves that will run under LiberKey? Are there instructions available explaining how to do that?

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Re:Development tools

Postby skybird » 23 June 2009, 21:10

Hi dfkettle,
for development tools a dedicated topic is open here(in french, sorry)

To add your owns applications: look here
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Re:Development tools

Postby dfkettle » 23 June 2009, 21:35

That wasn't really what I meant. I'd like to be able to add applications that aren't available on the "all softwares" menu. Is that even possible?
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Re:Development tools

Postby skybird » 24 June 2009, 08:41

If in my linked post :
skybird wrote:
From your personnal collection: Add the software's folder in MyApps folder. Open Liberkey 4.4 menu and drag-n-drop the executable in "My softwares" category.
Right click > Properties > Edit path with ..\..\MyApps\Your_software\Your_softaware.exe

isn't the answer, yes, i don't understand what you mean :(
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Re:Development tools

Postby JP4U » 24 June 2009, 10:25

It's possible i've understand what dkflette wan't say :

See (Sorry it's in french, and i can't translate those message and the answer now, but with traduction's tools, it musn't be a very serious problem).

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