[Solved] Can anyone explain the check-list option?

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[Solved] Can anyone explain the check-list option?

Messagede Lockszmith » 25 Novembre 2009, 09:50

Hi everyone, great to see an English forum!

Can anyone explain what does the check-list option in ASuite settings window does?

Thanks in advance.
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Junior Boarder
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Re: Can anyone explain the check-list option?

Messagede Dji » 25 Novembre 2009, 09:55

Which one(s) ?
Did you look at the English FAQ ?
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Re: Can anyone explain the check-list option?

Messagede skybird » 25 Novembre 2009, 10:04

Hi Lockszmith.
The check list fonction verifies periodically that the link to an application or document contained in the menu is still valid. If this is not the case an exclamation point appear.
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Re: Can anyone explain the check-list option?

Messagede Lockszmith » 27 Novembre 2009, 01:19

Now it makes sense :-) couldn't figure it out myself.
Thanks for the explanation.
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

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