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Messagede mec_sympa » 07 Août 2009, 22:34

Après avoir essayé de nombreux logiciels de conversion vidéo pour mon iPod Nano,j'ai trouvé un logiciel simple : iPodME.

[img size=302]http://noda.free.fr/dev/ime_screen.png[/img]

Langue : Anglais
Compatibilité : Xp (je suppose:blink: ), Vista (tester)
Description de l'auteur :
Pod Media Encoder converts video into an iPod-compatible format, the easy way. As I was bored with the already existing converters like Videora, Xvid4PSP etc, I made this simple & efficient video converter. The profiles should be easy enough to figure, keeping in mind that slower encoding also means better video quality.

The new video files are created by default in the same folder as iPodME.


– small (4 Mb), no setup, only 1 exe to put where you want, no codecs needed
- based on ffmpeg
- really easy to use and straighforward
- easy batch encoding, just select multiple files by clicking on the “add files” button or drag’n drop them into the list
- you can add new files to the batch during encoding
- run in background without disturbing your work (with the defaut priority option)
- 6 profiles adapted to most usage : 3 encoding speed, each optimized for file size or video quality
- possibility to customize the encoding options
- support soft-subtitles, and multiple subtitles per video
- support multiple CPU cores automatically
- can shutdown your computer after encoding

Avantages : Simple, rapide, facilement portable je pense:laugh: , gratuit, taille mini
Inconvénients : en anglais:( , impossible d'agrandir la fenêtre (:P , besoin de .Net framework (2.0+), licence peu explicite (source fourni, GPL ???)

Test multi-antivirus : http://www.virustotal.com/fr/analisis/9d4eeccd8f29e22f6793ba7ed99c5b406b2f7630ef2d876712ef24bcd71aedf0-1249677400
Le site : http://nodadev.wordpress.com/pc-projects/ipodme/
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Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 23
Inscription: 05 Février 2008, 17:32

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