Title: AxCrypt
Languages: English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Russian, Polish, Spanish and Swedish.
Compatibility: Windows 9x, XP, VI, 7; 32-bit and 64-bit.
License: GNU General Public License
Author Description:
"AxCrypt is the leading open source file encryption software for Windows. It integrates seamlessly with Windows to compress, encrypt, decrypt, store, send and work with individual files. We have received 2,099,566 registrations, so it is tried and proven!"
"Indispensable. Quick and easy file and folder encryption with rclick functionality. Top notch security. I use it to secure files and folders without needing TrueCrypt containers. Encrypted files can be emailed safely. The portable version is perfect for LiberKey."
http://www.axantum.com/AxCrypt/Default.htmlDownload page: