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MessagePosté: 19 Juin 2010, 06:52
de Arffeh

Window Shifter is a tool which allows you to move applications between networked computers, the windows appear where you need them, as they were.
You no longer need to save and send documents to move them around, simply move the view of the application to the machine where you need it.

Operating Systems:
- Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven

- BSD3


Download page:

Re: Shifter

MessagePosté: 09 Juillet 2010, 23:59
de Lockszmith
This is an impressive application, thanks for sharing, but I don't think it will ever be part of LiberKey.

Unless I am mistaken, it relies on a series of services that must be installed on the OS, and thus making it's "portability" an issue.

I have downloaded this now, and testing it and I already know that it relies on Apple's Bonjour service to be installed.
So Portability is a far stretch.

hope I am wrong though, because this application "kicks ass"

Re: Shifter

MessagePosté: 16 Juillet 2010, 10:06
de Arffeh
That was my thought.

Shame Liberkey doesn't have a Sandboxie styled approach, then portablizing this might be a bit easier.