First I will say, the author of LiberKey made really good job. Thanks! But..., even good not excellent
I wanted namely save a backup of my Liberkey USB dongle
I've started also "
LiberKeys Tools/other tools/Full Backup" and than was happened following:
First I saw a pop-up with the message "Backup is started", than maybe 5-7 seconds long any window with progress bar, than next 2 or 3 pop-ups with any messages (in 3 seconds you have not really any chance to read anything) and than yet another pop-up with the message "Backup is ready" and than... nothing more. This all took 10 maybe max. 15 seconds
After this I didn't know whether where the backup was saved nor what was saved
I was only relatively sure,
it wasn't a full backup of FolderKey, in 15 seconds you couldn't backup 1,4 GB of data!
Than I found out in the file "
USB-Stick:\LiberKey\LiberkeyTools\LKbackup.ini", that this backup should be saved in
There I found one relatively small (880 Kb) .zip-file with a backup and a file called ASuite.xml.
In the .zip-file inside there are a folder tree of Liberkey and in the folder "Apps" a few folders of freely choosen Applications, mostly such programs I've never used, with probably only seetings of these programms (without program files) inside.
This is also all other than a "FULL BACKUP" Thus my question: what for should be such one backup action good?
When I will make a backup of anything, first I must can say, what I want to backup, second, where I want save my data.
It can not be, that any program or the computer performs any actions, especially in security sphere, without to allow a user to control these actions!
In other ways conveys this all altogether no sense to me.