Forum LiberKey

WinContig - The free file defragmentation tool

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WinContig - The free file defragmentation tool

MessagePosté: 14 Août 2010, 18:05
de MicketsBR
WinContig is an easy-to-use stand-alone defragmentation tool that doesn't create any installation directories or Registry entries on your computer. Its purpose is to quick defrag files without the need to defrag the whole disk. In addition, WinContig allows you to group files into profiles, and also it accepts a number of optional command-line switches that you can use to control how the program operates.

WinContig is a standalone executable, and it doesn't require any installation process or additional DLLs. In order to start using it, just extract the contents of the ZIP archive to any folder you like, and run it.

WinContig is released as freeware for personal and commercial use.

WinContig is an application designed for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista operating systems.

It's available in various languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and many others (19 languages, I think).



What do we need this for? I made a multi-boot USB thumb drive (using Multiboot USB Menu, and placed two ISO files on the USB stick (Ubuntu Linux and Ultimate Boot CD).

But I found that the Ubunto ISO file was fragmented, and wouldn't boot (ISO file must be on one contiguous area). So here enters WinContig, to defragment the ISO file.

It will also be a handy tool to defragment those huge TrueCrypt files I have as well!
