ambani a écrit:I think it would be a good Idea To have a separate version of LiberKey that includes, where available, the 64-bit versions of software.
ambani a écrit:However, even though 7 zip is already available in LK, it Is the 32 bit version. It does not work too well in my 64 bit Win7, Including file / folder associations.
<FileType ext="zip" addmode="replace">
<>Archive compress?e (ZIP)</>
<Shell default="ouvrir_avec_7-zip_liberkey">
<Action name="ouvrir_avec_7-zip_liberkey">
<>Ouvrir avec 7-Zip (LiberKey)</>
<Action name="ouvrir_avec_winrar_liberkey">
<>Ouvrir avec WinRAR (LiberKey)</>
<Action name="ouvrir_avec_universal_extractor_liberkey">
<>Ouvrir avec Universal Extractor (LiberKey)</>
<AppName>Universal Extractor</AppName>
<Action name="ouvrir_avec_izarc2go_liberkey">
<>Ouvrir avec IZArc2Go (LiberKey)</>
<Action name="ouvrir_avec_peazip_liberkey">
<>Ouvrir avec PeaZip (LiberKey)</>
<TypeIcon index="0">%APPS%\7Zip\7-ZipLKL.exe</TypeIcon>
ArnaudD a écrit:This is better to build the KeyFileAssoc.xml manually anyway because the KFA gui has many bugs