3D Online Ego Shooter (Open Source)

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3D Online Ego Shooter (Open Source)

Messagede Einherier » 19 Décembre 2010, 15:11

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 20
Inscription: 27 Novembre 2010, 14:11

Re: 3D Online Ego Shooter (Open Source)

Messagede terminator1234 » 19 Décembre 2010, 23:18

Thank you very much for the links Einherier. I used to play Alien Arena while it was in beta. Brings back sweet memories :kiss:

Here is another good Freeware MMOFPS that I came across

Alliance of Valliant Arms

I know that it cannot be made portable. But I am just adding it to your great list. :bigsmile:
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

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Junior Boarder
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Re: 3D Online Ego Shooter (Open Source)

Messagede Lockszmith » 28 Décembre 2010, 07:23

Here is another great one:

World of Padman - http://padworld.myexp.de/
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: 3D Online Ego Shooter (Open Source)

Messagede Einherier » 28 Décembre 2010, 10:21

200 free 3d online games (some opensource & portable) you will find on my homepage:
many are suitable for liberkey.

Most games you can copy the installation folder to your usb stick and it works.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 20
Inscription: 27 Novembre 2010, 14:11

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