Core FTP Lite

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Core FTP Lite

Messagede Carlo9151 » 14 Janvier 2010, 18:01

1. The title must contain the name of the software
Core FTP Lite

2. An image: thumbnail, icon or logo of the application (optional)

3. Description Language:

4. Compatibility with operating systems. (Required)
Windows OS
Minimum requirements:
At least 16MB memory, 4MB disk space, Windows 95B with IE >= 4.1, Windows 98 with IE >=4.1, Windows 98SE, Windows NT 4 with service pack (SP) 6a and IE >= 4.1, Windows 2000 SP3, or Windows XP SP1

5. Type of License: GNU GPL, LGPL, Freeware. (optional)
Freeware (version "Lite")

6. Author description. (Required)
Version 2.1 - Mise à jour le 8 Janvier 2010
Now you can download Core FTP LE - free Windows software that includes the client FTP features you need. Features like SFTP (SSH), SSL, TLS, IDN, browser integration, site to site transfers, FTP transfer resume, drag and drop support, file viewing & editing, firewall support, custom commands, FTP URL parsing, command line transfers, filters, and much, much more!
This free, secure FTP client gives you a fast, easy, reliable way to update and maintain your website via FTP. It also provides a secure method (via SSL, TLS, or SFTP) to upload / download files to and from FTP servers. Check out the list of features and you'll find almost every feature you need, all in a free ftp program. There are no popup ads, advertising or spyware and you're never asked or reminded to register.

7. Your opinion: the advantages and disadvantages. (Required)
Très stable

8. A multi-Virus test: With VirusTotal, or (optional).
0/41 (Virus Total)

9. A link to the author's website . (Required)

10. A link to the download page (optional)
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 14 Janvier 2010, 16:17

Re: Core FTP Lite

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 31 Janvier 2010, 20:35

It is a good software and I am using it as desktop version. But there is a paid commercial version too - so there is little possibility of developer for allowing it to be included in LiberKey I doubt. I think they provide the lite version to promote their paid commercial version.
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Inscription: 17 Septembre 2009, 12:10

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