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Re: SRWare Iron

MessagePosté: 12 Juillet 2010, 09:26
de coolorup

Lockszmith a écrit:
borderline a écrit:In fact the same than Chromium if you untick two boxes no ?

Which checkboxes are these? please tell?

I think:
"Show suggestions for navigation errors" and "use a suggestion service to help complete searches [...]" in Under the hood tab.

There is an article on official chromium blog about "what data is sent to Google or other providers".
Google Chrome, Chromium, and Google

But Iron developers have maybe done others privacy improvements.

I misread.
city_zen a écrit:Also, from SRWare Iron's FAQ:
"Can't I just use a precompiled unchanged Chromium build from Google's Server?
This is not useful because the original Chromium builds have nearly the same functions inside as Chrome. We can only provide Iron because we modified the source."

So, they have.

Re: SRWare Iron

MessagePosté: 07 Septembre 2011, 17:31
de ranseb

I`d like to kick this thread up again, even though it's already one year old. I'm using Iron for about 3 years now and I must say that it is really a slim and fast browser, even with some add-ons attached. I didn't get it out of the previous posts why it hasn't been added to LiberKey after it was suggested here for the first time.

As already mentioned before, there is also a portable Version of Iron available, but after each update it has to be copied manually to the LiberKey-Menu. I think it would fit perfectly in the range of handy portable programs LiberKey is offering. Maybe it is also an occasion for people who had never heard of this great program and want to give it a try. What do you think of?

Greetings ;)

Re: SRWare Iron

MessagePosté: 05 Novembre 2011, 11:45
de Lockszmith
Since Iron is available as a download, may I suggest that you use the new launcher alongside LiberKey, just to AutoUpdate all your apps.

Install/Extract the PA Launcher somewhere on you drive, and move the content of the PortableApps folder into MyApps.
Through the LiberKey tools menu, Scan for new apps (via the Manage Applications | Add/Remove programs dialog), the Start should be detected, add it.

Now you can use the PA Launcher to auto-update Iron for you, so at least you have a single click solution for the update process of PortableApps.

Hope this was helpful.

Re: SRWare Iron

MessagePosté: 07 Novembre 2011, 21:59
de ranseb
Thanks for the suggestion!

Well, unfortunately its not working yet. After installing and starting the PA Launcher, I've selected the "Iron Portable"-Folder to create a new launcher. But after clicking on "Go", I'm getting the following error:



Re: SRWare Iron

MessagePosté: 11 Novembre 2011, 22:15
de ranseb
Lockszmith a écrit:...
Now you can use the PA Launcher to auto-update Iron for you, so at least you have a single click solution for the update process of PortableApps.

Maybe anyone can help me with this? :dry: