WebApps category
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WebApps categoryWhat do you think about a new category called "WebApps" like
Google Mail, Google Maps, Picnick Picture Edit, Meebo Messenger, Screentoaster...... there will be hundreds of WebApps with subcategorys like the real apps (Video/Office.....), updated by Liberkey.
Re: WebApps categoryI already created this manually, it would be nice though if there would be easy "shortcuts" that are managed as part of the LiberKey catalog.
If you're interested I've written a small script that handled easy launching of web application via an ini file where you store all the settings, and the launches the application by running <launcher.exe> -a <application name from ini file> it launches with the desired browser switches and works great with separate or shared browser profiles. If it's of any interest to anybody I'll be glad to share this with other people.
Re: WebApps categoryi have created a new category and added with "drag an drop" my webapps-urls in subcategories. double click started standard browser. its look like the original installed apps from iberkey.
that category saved in "LiberKey\LiberKeyTools\LiberKeyMenu\data\Menu\web_apps.xml" and can copy in other liberkey without problems. only the favicons are missing for good looking. @lockszmith i am really interessted to your script, please send me private message. thanks
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