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Messagede sahi_0411 » 22 Mai 2010, 13:27

it's a small (~2mb) but rich (when I say rich i mean RICH!!) file manager! (it also has a portable version)
check it out :
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 29 Décembre 2009, 14:37

Re: XYplorer

Messagede Laurentxp » 22 Mai 2010, 17:07

30-day trial version (for rich people)
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Re: XYplorer

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 25 Mai 2010, 15:25

Laurentxp a écrit:30-day trial version (for rich people)

Nice !! :lol:
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Re: XYplorer

Messagede irawr123 » 25 Mai 2010, 19:28

Buy a license and simply put the portable files in your flash drive. If you want an icon on the menu, just drag the XYplorer.exe file onto the LiberKey menu and then drag to whichever folder you want (I put mine in File Management > Manager).
That's what I did, and it works splendidly.

There isn't an auto-update feature, but it really isn't that hard to every so often check for updates from XYplorer itself, and should there be an update, it is as simple as dragging the new files into the original's directory.
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Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 18 Février 2010, 01:42

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