How to move out the application folder?
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How to move out the application folder?Hi, I' a new user of LK.
I have got already a full set of selected portable applications on my disk (many GBs), ordered by categories; about the half could be managed automatically by LK (they are in the list available on the site). I find it very useful, but I would like keep LK managed applications on the disk together with the others. LK managed apps are in the main tree, the others are in the MyApps tree. But using the MyApps tree it's not possible to update automatically the releases. Instead using the main Apps tree the program folder has to be located in the Liberkey, by alphabetical order. There's a way to let LK reference the apps on the main tree through external links (pasted by the user) as done with MyApps tree, keeping the capability to update the program automatically? Thanks and regards, Paul Netsaver
Re: How to move out the application folder?Sorry, it's not possible at the moment
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