My Favorites Menu Category
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My Favorites Menu CategoryRecent Category is quite helpful but the problem is that if I use more than ten applications (which I do frequently) I have to open my frequently used application from its "categories>sub folder>application" or sometimes even "categories>sub category>sub folder>application" since Recent can only store maximum of 10 MRU's.
So If any application shortcut in Recent can be converted into STICKY or another folder/category named Favorites to handle applications which are frequently used will be appreciated. I am suggesting this since all applications are not used always. Some are used regularly whereas some are used occasionally and some rarely.
Re: My Favorites Menu CategoryAt this moment, LiberKey launcher is based on asuite 1.4.
The new one which will be present in LiberKey 5.0 (developped from scratch by the project) has a specific tab about Favorites. When we will be to the beta public stage, don't hesitate to give us your feed-back.
Re: My Favorites Menu CategoryNice to hear that it is being implemented in the coming 5.0 version. Please do let me know when Beta is available.
Re: My Favorites Menu CategoryI'd be happy to help in the feedback department for the beta version of v5. Count me in
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