Suggestion - Show progress during app installation

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Suggestion - Show progress during app installation

Messagede monsen » 28 Mai 2011, 12:53

Right now, LiberKey conveniently shows you the list of all the applications in an install/update batch while it is downloading the applications, but once it is done downloading and starts installing, you can only see the status for the currently installing application, and has no knowledge of how many applications have been installed this far, and how many that remains.

Thus, it would be very helpful to have a similar list when installing the apps, instead of just seeing the one currently installing. I know it might be more difficult to create an exact progress bar in the list for installations than for downloads, but i don't see that as a requirement, as you could simply have some kind of checkmark to show the status (not installed yet, currently installing, installed, and possibly failed).

A button to pause the installations so that you can remove your key and continue later would also be much appreciated (again, I see that pausing the installation in progress could be difficult, but it should be easy to at least prevent it from automatically continue with the next application in the list)

The reason for asking this is that I find downloading applications very fast, but the actual installation (when installing to a usb key and not a local HDD) takes far more time than the downloading, and I have several times found myself in the situation that I need to leave and bring my key with me, but it is still installing (and I have no idea how many apps are installed already, and how many yet remain)

If you had a installation list window, the installation status messages (Which currently appear in the lower left corner) can appear in this list instead as well. Even if the installation status messages are small, they can actually be very annoying, because there is no way to stop them popping up, and they place themselves on top of everything. I am a teacher, and I once tried updating my liberkey while in the classroom (Well, I tried doing it during the lunch break, but the installation took far longer than expected), and since there was no way to stop the installation status messages from popping up, nor any way to temporarily pause the installations, the little messages kept popping up over my full-screen demonstration window. If the status messages had just been shown inside an "installation list", much like the download window, which could be minimize and didn't pop up for each application that where installed, it would be great.

Keep up the good work though. I really love LiberKey.

Edit: I just had to reinstall LiberKey, and I noted that almost exactly the features i was asking for is present in the "Install an Application Suite" dialog. Now, if the regular install/update dialog had been like this one, you would be 95% towards completely fulfilling my described suggestion.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 3
Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:43

Re: Suggestion - Show progress during app installation

Messagede bobw » 18 Juin 2011, 20:33

Hear Hear!!

I've just been through a similar process of setting up a new key to replace one I've lost. The progress indication when installing a suite is very useful and it would be great to have the same display when installing a list of new apps.

Please consider implementing this soon - you already have most of the individual pieces.

Thanks, Bob
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 18 Juin 2011, 00:05

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