Suggestions about "versions" (new-old-bits)

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Suggestions about "versions" (new-old-bits)

Messagede noaven » 10 Février 2010, 13:52

I have 3 suggestions/questions ...

1. Any chance to have access to previous versions in case a new version does not work??
Example after i got chrome 4 i cant open any page at all so i need to go back to 3. (but where to find v3?)

2. It will be nice to have an option to be able to choose between 32 and 64bit versions.
Many apps offering 64bit versions already (ex. infra recorder)

3. A link to each app that everyone could click to notify an admin for a new version of that app!
Example CCleaner has a new version available some days now but LK is not updated yet !
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Re: Suggestions about "versions" (new-old-bits)

Messagede akhouri_sarvesh » 10 Février 2010, 19:45

noaven a écrit:2. It will be nice to have an option to be able to choose between 32 and 64bit versions.
Many apps offering 64bit versions already (ex. infra recorder)

Good suggestion.

noaven a écrit:3. A link to each app that everyone could click to notify an admin for a new version of that app!
Example CCleaner has a new version available some days now but LK is not updated yet !

I have found that New versions are normally provided in time but only delayed sometimes if there is some issue with the current release.
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