[solved]access to portable device

A problem using LiberKey ?
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[solved]access to portable device

Postby sumithar » 19 February 2016, 15:15

I run liberkey from my harddisk. liberkey is installed as a folder inside c:\program files.
I upgraded my computer to Windows 10.

I copied the liberkey folder to the newly created c:\program files (this is 32 bit, so only 1 folder)

When I double click liberkey.exe I get message

Liberkey requires write access to the portable device it is contained on...

However if I rightclick and run as administrator I don't have this problem

Any thoughts?
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Re: access to portable device

Postby Dji » 20 February 2016, 00:10

Do not copy under "programe files" folder, use c:\liberkey indeed
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Re: access to portable device

Postby sumithar » 20 February 2016, 15:46

Excellent, simple fix! Thanks....
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