Forum LiberKey

[Solved] How can I make Liberkey stay in a fixed position

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[Solved] How can I make Liberkey stay in a fixed position

MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2012, 15:21
de xvsteep
I hope this question has not been asked before, but I tried to find it and did not find an answer. Therefore, my question.
I want Liberkey to stay in a fix position on my desktop, i.e. in de lower right corner of my desktop. Now, when I put it there, sometimes after a while it goes to another position on my desktop without me moving it.
Thanks in advance.

Re: How can I make Liberkey stay in a fixed position

MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2012, 15:30
de Dji
The menu does not move itself to another position, it remains at the last one saved in the file:

Code: Tout sélectionner
<Monitor dev="\\.\DISPLAY1" l="0" t="0" r="1680" b="1050"/>

Re: How can I make Liberkey stay in a fixed position

MessagePosté: 25 Juin 2012, 16:06
de xvsteep
Thanks for the reply. Actually my Liberkey showed up on different places on my desktop (without me moving it around). But thanks to your reply, I found the settings in the xml file and changed them manually as shown below:
<Main x="1705" y="287" w="450" h="779"/>
<Monitor dev="\\.\DISPLAY1" l="0" t="0" r="1920" b="1080"/>

It was actually the "<Main x= ..." setting just above <Monitor ... I had to change.

Now, my Liberkey is always showing up in my right hand corner of my screen.

Re: [Solved] How can I make Liberkey stay in a fixed positio

MessagePosté: 29 Juin 2012, 16:45
de kokbira
if you change resolution of your screen and/or use another monitor and/or change size of taskbar and/or change windows theme, your lk menu will move from default position after these actions.

Re: [Solved] How can I make Liberkey stay in a fixed positio

MessagePosté: 30 Juin 2012, 14:03
de xvsteep
Thanks Kokbira. That is exactly right.
That is the problem I had when I played a game like DDD Pool. After that, Liberkey position changed.
Unfortunately I have not found a workaround for this.