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Sort items under MyApps / My Software

MessagePosté: 01 Avril 2010, 19:58
de MicketsBR

I noticed that in LiberKey the options to sort the list of apps (or any list in the categories) is disabled.

How can I sort the items under MyApps? I would like them in alphabetical order.


Re: Sort items under MyApps / My Software

MessagePosté: 01 Avril 2010, 20:13
de opendev
Hi MicketsBR,

It has been disabled to avoid update problems.

Re: Sort items under MyApps / My Software

MessagePosté: 01 Avril 2010, 21:37
de MicketsBR
:-( :-(

Re: Sort items under MyApps / My Software

MessagePosté: 01 Avril 2010, 21:51
de opendev
Don't worry, with the new launcher (LiberKey 5.0), you will be able to do what you want ;)

Re: Sort items under MyApps / My Software

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2010, 18:05
de MicketsBR
opendev a écrit:Don't worry, with the new launcher (LiberKey 5.0), you will be able to do what you want ;)

Any idea of when version 5.0 will be out? I'm looking forward for it.

Re: Sort items under MyApps / My Software

MessagePosté: 05 Mai 2010, 18:19
de ArnaudD
probably in a few months, its announced since 2 years now but few recent patches are talking about the 5.0 compatibility so it may come soon.