KEY Assoc icon - what is it?
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KEY Assoc icon - what is it?I made the mistake of clicking on KEY Files Assoc icon a few times out of curiosity... Now that I've read the Help file, I realize there's no way I can understand what's happened. Further, KEY Assoc isn't in the FAQ. So, what have I done?
If the KEY Assoc setting is important, how to I reset the KEY Files Assoc to back the way it was before I stumbled on the icon? That is, how to get back to the default setting. Everything seemed to work well then. Or can I safely ignore that icon? Any tips or info much appreciated.
Re: KEY Assoc icon - what is it?Hello carls.
Normally, you can restore previous configurations of your files associations and icons. Close KeyFileAssoc and your liberkey. Go to L:\Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\KeyFileAssoc (L: is your drive letter) and rename keyFileAssoc.xml in KeyFilesAssoc_bad.xml for example. Then go in L:\Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\KeyFileAssoc\bak. Copy one of the backup files in L:\Liberkey\LiberkeyTools\KeyFileAssoc and rename it keyFileAssoc.xml Restart your Liberkey. JP4U
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