Unable to update GPU-Z
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Unable to update GPU-ZAnyone else encountered same problem?
I go to 'Check for updates' in Liberkey. It then lists all updates that can be made. I click to download and try to update all of them, but when it gets to 'GPU-Z' it displays the following error: "An error occured during the download. Try again" (side note: "occured" is misspelled should be occurred) I click try again and it just keeps failing and therefore stops the update for all the apps. I have been trying for over a week. I have been able to install updates to other update by un-ticking GPU-Z. Thought I'd raise the very minor (but annoying) problem here. Thanks Liberkey team for your great little app, been using it for i believe over 10 years.
Re: Unable to update GPU-ZMaybe your antivirus?
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