TaggedFrog Portable

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TaggedFrog Portable

Messagede cassqs » 10 Juillet 2010, 03:58

TaggedFrog Free file and document tagging application.


We all know about the tags and use them every day - they are everywhere on the Web. These short words make life easier – so, why not to use this concept on our personal computers?

Based on the convenient drag’n’drop technique, TaggedFrog allows you to organize your files, documents and Web links. Just add objects to the library and tag them with any keywords. That’s it. You can forget the file name or where the file is located, but don't worry - the tags will find the file for you.

You can tag Web links, Microsoft Office documents, PDF documents and images. In fact, you can tag any kind of file. And if you wish, you can tag each and every file on your hard drive!

Moreover, you are able tagging files directly from Windows File Explorer because the application is integrated with Explorer’s context menu. With TaggedFrog you can tag everything!

Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 5
Inscription: 22 Février 2010, 19:19

Re: TaggedFrog Portable

Messagede Laurentxp » 10 Juillet 2010, 08:54

Here is how to enable portable mode:

From Andrei:
"If you would like to enable "portable mode" please edit TaggedFrog.exe.config file and change value of key "Portable" from "false" to "true". In this mode the application will use configuration file and database from the current folder (so don't forget to copy your database wink )"


Additional Information:
set zerofootprint = "true" in taggedfrog.exe.config to prevent taggedfrog from storing information in the registry

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