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EplorerXPExplorerXP Vista Windows 7
English FREEWARE Nikolay Avrionov Tabbed interface - all your windows (open folders) will appear inside a single ExplorerXP application. The tab bar provides a quick access to all open windows Easy access to My Computer, Recycle Bin , My Documents & Desktop Drag & Drop with Explorer, the tab bar and special folders on the main toolbar. Multy rename tool - allows to rename multiple files in one step. Displays folder size information and the real size of compressed files & folders. Folder Size Cache - greatly improves the speed of the folder size calculations between sessions. Merge / Split Tools. Advanced copy/move. Unicode support. USB devices support. Clean - recursively removes files that match given list of extentions or wildcards. Groups - A group is a collection of folders, which users are able to access quickly or drag & drop files to them. Configurable keyboard shortcuts. Small download size - only 410 KB. http://www.explorerxp.com/
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