[Solved] USB WriteProtector gives liberkey error?
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[Solved] USB WriteProtector gives liberkey error?Everytime I turn USB WriteProtector ON. liberkey.exe cannot run from the USB stick.
I don't want virus infects my USB. But I cannot use liberkey when USB WriteProtector ON. Any suggestion?
Re: USB WriteProtector gives liberkey error?Open LiberKey\Apps\USBWriteProtector\App\USBWriteProtector\UsbWriteProtect.exe and turn USB write protection OFF.
You can't use LiberKey with read-only media.
Re: USB WriteProtector gives liberkey error?I understand that.
My question is: how do I protect the USB from virus and use Liberkey same time?
Re: USB WriteProtector gives liberkey error?You can use encrypted USB partitions
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Alors tremblez, terroristes ! Parce qu'on est surentraînés !" @glecalot
Re: USB WriteProtector gives liberkey error?Thank you.
Dernière édition par joel99 le 17 Juillet 2010, 02:05, édité 1 fois.
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