Liberkey Window Position on different Resolutions

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Liberkey Window Position on different Resolutions

Postby SlrG » 08 March 2013, 13:59

Please modify the Liberkey menu to store its position in dependance to screen resolution.
When using my main monitor with 1680x1050 pixels I prefer my Liberkey menu to open
in the bottom right corner above the task bar. When switching to my beamer with
1024x576 pixels the menu moves to match the smaller res, which is okay. But switching
back it will open on the position it had on the smaller resolution and needs to be moved
back by hand. When changing resolutions frequently this is quite annoying.

The problems also occurs when using the Liberkey from flash on many different computers
with different screens and resolutions. The Menu always needs to be moved around. IMHO
it really should remember where it was on which resolution.

Thank you for your great product. I really love it. :)

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Re: Liberkey Window Position on different Resolutions

Postby JP4U » 08 March 2013, 23:05

Liberkey Windows' postion is normaly store as you can see it in these message, like many other apps.
For the moment we don't have developped a solution for these problem. Perhaps in future.

P.S. : Do you know that it also possible launch apps by a rigth click on the Liberkey's icon in the taskbar ?

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Re: Liberkey Window Position on different Resolutions

Postby bichlepa » 09 March 2013, 20:02

I have written an AutoHotkey script to solve that issue. :happy:
When it is running in background it watches where you move the LiberKey window and remembers its position on each resolution. When the resolution changes it moves the LiberKey window to the right position.

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