LibreOffice in german

A problem using LiberKey ?
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LibreOffice in german

Messagede rihmjihm » 22 Avril 2015, 13:50

Thank you very much for providing us with LibreOffice.

Because I never understand, that you only provide OpenOffice in French version (which only included the English language files), when there is a multilanguage version :silly:

LiberKey is such a great programme.

But now there is LibreOffice and you give us the Multilanguage Version. So now I can use LiberKey on the PC of my parents too, because now they got an German Office.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 22 Avril 2015, 13:39

Re: Where to install Java ?

Messagede Dji » 22 Avril 2015, 15:47

OpenOffice is no more maintained in our catalog
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Messages: 3724
Inscription: 28 Novembre 2007, 09:57
Localisation: Quelque part entre les ombres

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