Find and Run Robot (FARR)

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Find and Run Robot (FARR)

Messagede Lockszmith » 16 Août 2009, 17:03

Find and Run Robot (FARR)
"The Ultimate Program for Keyboard Maniacs"

[img size=250][/img]

Language: English

OS Requirements: Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and version 7.

Author Description:
Find and Run Robot (FARR) is a program for keyboard maniacs -- it uses an adaptive "live search" function to rapidly find programs and documents on your computer as you type.

Press your chosen hotkey to display the FARR window, then just start typing the first letters of the application you want to launch and the results appear instantly. Hit enter to launch the top result, or refine your search with special modifiers and commands.

FARR also lets you quickly run web searches, send email, manipulate files, control on-screen windows, and much more. Build and share custom commands or install plugins to add tons of new features, like live search features for your clipboard history and your internet bookmarks; a popup a calculator with history tape and persistant variables; and many more..
[img size=16][/img] Unique features in FARR

Personal Opinion:
After trying on a few keyboard launchers, including Google Desktop and Launchy, FARR is by far the winner.
Right out-of-the-box it's fantastic, but the tweaking avilable are what makes FARR a shining star.
Although it take a few miliseconds more to get the answers to your query, it will never miss - since it doesn't index (read about it's unique features), but it lets you customize how to search, and that makes it the best of the bunch.

Mouser - the auther, is the head of, which is site dedicated to donation-ware, a lot of beautiful gems are in there.

As far as I can tell the software is portable, so it suites LiberKey like a glove.

Author's Site:
Software page (with download link):

Hope to see it managed by LiberKey - another absolutely fantastic and essential (at least for me :-))tool!

I love LiberKey (especially after the Unicode patch) - LiberKey Rocks!

Truly Yours
- Gal Szkolnik (Lockszmith)
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 75
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re:[PL] Find and Run Robot (FARR)

Messagede opendev » 17 Août 2009, 11:14

Hello Lockszmith,

Thank you for the proposal !

Just tested and you are right, great software...

Added to the todolist.
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Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Messages: 2625
Inscription: 30 Mai 2007, 23:08

Re:[PL] Find and Run Robot (FARR)

Messagede Laurentxp » 17 Août 2009, 13:26

PS: Il faut mettre PORTABLE=TRUE dans ConfigDir.ini
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Inscription: 27 Mars 2007, 23:37

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