LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Provides some LiberKey tools versions under development
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Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede Lockszmith » 03 Juin 2010, 07:12

To the LiberKey team,

Thank you very much for delivering the long awaiting version 5.0.
It's beautiful, and it as it should have been from the start :-)

One thing that's missing for me is a hot-key configuration to invoke the menu - if this was present, then once Liberkey is active I have a complete start menu replacement.

Hope the hotkey feature will be added soon.

Always a pleasure to work with the LiberKey suite.

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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede skybird » 03 Juin 2010, 09:03

Hello Lockszmith,

Lockszmith a écrit:One thing that's missing for me is a hot-key configuration to invoke the menu

Invoke : CTRL +WIN
Hide : Escape
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Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede klacenas » 06 Juin 2010, 04:14

WOW! I discovered this incredible collection of portable software 2 months ago. The old menu then was very similar to
what I've been using for 2 years "PStart", which I think was great because of it's simplicity. I have tried many launcher's before, including PortableApps but I always went back to PStart. But when I discovered Liberkey! Tell you, it was like "Oh my God! This is what I've been looking for!". I've been using portable software for many years now. All kinds of freeware "and some not.. hehe". If i like a software and find it usefull i never stop looking for a portable version, and sometimes i have to make it on my own. Incredibly! When I browsed the catalog of Liberkey, almost all of my freeware collection was there! Plus plenty of others which I have not discovered yet! Guess what..? I reformatted my flash drive and downloaded every software listed in the catalog.. :lol:

What i like much about Liberkey is the support.. the smooth updates.. the best collection of freeware.. the ability to add other software not included in Liberkey.. and now! the very beautiful, functional, creative, neat, like no other launcher i've ever used, the Liberkey Menu 5.0!

Great Job to the Liberkey Team! I don't care about the issue with PortableApps anymore. I mean if you tried using their software and now using Liberkey especially with the NEW MENU! There's no doubt.. there's no doubt that Liberkey is simply the best bundle of free portable software ever created!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 29 Mai 2010, 09:29

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede tridentcore » 08 Juin 2010, 10:10

Trully AWESOME...!!! two Thumbs Up for the developer...

I have some suggestion for you...

Can you disable taskbar appearance when tray icon clicked (when menu appear)? and Auto Hide Menu when inactive or unfocus... Maybe that's all for today... more will come next days..

Once again... AWESOME..!!
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 07 Février 2010, 07:57

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede Lockszmith » 10 Juin 2010, 07:58

Ctrl-Win works like a charm - now the LiberKey menu pops up, and it's a great addon to the regular Windows Start button.

Thanks for this feature.

BUT.... (there is always a 'but' :unsure:) the search textbox is not focused when the liberkey menu pops-up, menaing I need to click on the textbox and only then I can search for items.

The ideal sequence would be CTRL+Win, type search keyword, Enter to lanuch, but it has a mouse click now after the CTRL-Win.

Hope this is fixed in the final version.

Thanks again for a great new Menu.
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Messages: 75
Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede bichlepa » 10 Juin 2010, 11:15

Liberkey 5 is great!

I've been thinking about some improvement suggestions:

The animations look great but it is too much for some older computers (for example at school). A setting that turn them off would be good.

A click on the task-button of Liberkey should minimize LiberKey to tray.

In shortcut properties and application properties the screen slides in a wrong direction if you change between the tabs.
German translator
German translator
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Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede monsen » 10 Juin 2010, 19:39

Very Nice. I really like the ability to create additional menues easily.

I miss a few things from the old menu though.
- The ability to never have the menu itself pop up on the screen when starting liberkey, only load the taskbar icon (Don't remember if this was a setting in the old asuite version or not, but it never displayed the liberkey menu window after loading)
- The ability to have the tray menu to pop up on both right and left mouse click. For everyday usage, i prefer to use just the simple tray menu because it is far quicker to use. Previously, in asuite, you could set the tray menu to pop up regardless of a right or left button click, and you had a simple icon in the menu to activate the main LiberKey menu when you needed it.
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
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Inscription: 04 Novembre 2009, 18:43

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede azmatisma » 10 Juin 2010, 22:48

Wow! Great, amazing, good, but with my 64bit operating system is not working properly and smoothly, why hah?
Fresh Boarder
Fresh Boarder
Messages: 1
Inscription: 10 Juin 2010, 22:39

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede skybird » 11 Juin 2010, 00:23


Lockszmith a écrit:BUT.... (there is always a 'but' :unsure:) the search textbox is not focused when the liberkey menu pops-up, menaing I need to click on the textbox and only then I can search for items

Space bar gives the focus to the search box, so the sequence can be CTRL+WIN and space bar when menu is open.

azmatisma a écrit:Wow! Great, amazing, good, but with my 64bit operating system is not working properly and smoothly, why hah?

Maybe more details about your configuration ?
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Gold Boarder
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Inscription: 10 Octobre 2007, 10:45

Re: LiberKey Menu 5.0 beta available

Messagede Lockszmith » 11 Juin 2010, 06:37

Thanks skybird, now it's all clear, great job LiberKey.
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Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
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Inscription: 14 Juin 2009, 21:54


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