[solved] Problem with updates

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[solved] Problem with updates

Messagede snoopyeab » 12 Octobre 2010, 23:57

Some days ago, during the download of updates, I continued working on the PC. When it started to install the updates all of them returned an error that the files were corrupt. No idea myself.
BTW it's XP SP3 Pro, Liberkey 5 v 1005. I use Kaspersky AV.
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Re: Problem with updates

Messagede terminator1234 » 13 Octobre 2010, 19:03

Try updating the apps again. Corrupted files might result when the downloading is interrupted.

Also try disabling the antivirus. Some apps will trigger false positives in the antivirus software. More info here http://www.liberkey.com/en/component/co ... -free.html
Terminator over and out :silly: :ninja:

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Re: Problem with updates

Messagede snoopyeab » 13 Octobre 2010, 23:30

I have tried a couple of times to update again, no luck. Also disabling AV makes no difference. The message is: an error occurred when updating the application. The same for anything I try to update. My guess is something is damaged from Liberkey itself. All installed apps work fine however.
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Re: Problem with updates

Messagede Dji » 14 Octobre 2010, 12:54

Do you have a firewall ? Check its rules.

you can also try to redownload the Liberkey Platform, install it into another location (but don't start it !) and copy/paste freshly installed LiberkeyTools into your current Liberkey folder (take care to close all your Liberkey applications, including menu itself, check this using task manager or process explorer)
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Re: Problem with updates

Messagede snoopyeab » 14 Octobre 2010, 22:35

I have a firewall, but it hasn't changed. I like your suggestion of a fresh install. Would I only have to replace the Liberkey Tools directory? Or something else as well. Is it important to have the same apps installed or does it not matter?
Thanks so far. I'll try the suggestion somewhere tomorrow, have to find a good place to install it to.
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Re: Problem with updates

Messagede Dji » 15 Octobre 2010, 13:37

But did you checked your firewall rules ? I trust you when you say you did not change them explicitely but I don't know maybe it has an "intelligent" feature which can automatically blocks some applications because they .exe changed. Normally it ask you to confirm replacement of rule (still allow) but default behavior of such feature is to block the new .exe and if you were not in front of your desk, the new .exe have been blocked by the firewall.

Anywayu, please check your firewall rules before trying to copy/paste LiberkeyTools folder (yes, it's enough to copy it from a fresh install, but be sure having all liberkey applications, menu, file associations fully closed !)
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Re: Problem with updates

Messagede snoopyeab » 17 Octobre 2010, 15:21

I checked the firewall, no problems there. I updated the Liberkey Tools directory as you suggested. It works OK.
Thanks very much.
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Re: [solved] Problem with updates

Messagede walsug » 07 Novembre 2010, 15:58

When I update the application, the following message appears: Répertoire de destination non defi … What's happening? What do I do? :woohoo: :S
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Re: [solved] Problem with updates

Messagede JP4U » 07 Novembre 2010, 17:53


Some french and italian users had the same problem.

Leave your liberkey.
Open and edit \LiberKeyTools\Installer\LKInst.xml .

Verify if you have these code :

Code: Tout sélectionner
          <Language file="LKInst_en.xml">en</Language>

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Re: [solved] Problem with updates

Messagede walsug » 08 Novembre 2010, 14:37

Thanks for solving my problem, JP4U! :laugh: :) :happy:
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