German Language Forum

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German Language Forum

Messagede mjnproject » 20 Mars 2011, 02:13

Hallo All :lol: ,
I need help in German Language :woohoo: .
Best regards
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Inscription: 20 Mars 2011, 02:07

Re: German Language Forum

Messagede bichlepa » 20 Mars 2011, 22:01

I'd like a German forum, too! :silly:

Until the German LiberKey forum is not created, I consent to try to answer questions of people who don't understand English. I want to make clear that I am not a developper of LiberKey, but only the translator, therefore I can't answer everything.
If you need help in German, and you have not enough English skills to write your question in English, send me a private message (via the button "pm" on the right-hand side).

Solange es kein deutsches LiberKey Forum gibt, erkläre ich mich dafür bereit, zu versuchen, Fragen von Leuten zu beantworten, die kein Englisch können. Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass ich kein Entwickler von LiberKey bin, sondern nur der Übersetzer, deshalb kann ich nicht jede Frage beantworten.
Wenn Du hilfe auf Deutsch brauchst und nicht genug Englisch-Kenntnisse hast, um die Frage auf Englisch zu stellen, dann kannst du mir eine persönliche Nachricht senden (mithilfe der "pm"-Schalfläche auf der rechten Seite).

Who wants a forum in German language, too?
Wer will auch ein deutsches Forum? (Bitte hier im Forum möglichst nur auf Englisch schreiben)
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Inscription: 12 Mars 2010, 12:08

Re: German Language Forum

Messagede nefycee » 21 Mars 2011, 14:43

I would prefer a german-speaking forum :happy:
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Re: German Language Forum

Messagede Deutsch » 10 Avril 2011, 13:50

Hello bichlepa,
I would prefer a german-speaking forum, too :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

I wonder if you or somebody else could advise me a (good) german user guide/manual relating this program.

Well german is my native language, but this time I will try my very best to explain my problems:
1. I have probs with the visibility of the menu points, they are very very transparent (like water marks) and when I click on one it appears good visible but just partly (one part is visible the other is covered/hidden by the main menu).
2. I would like to change from portableapps (I just use the apps, not the launcher :sick: - it's prehistoric) to liberkey (launcher and update functionality and so on seems to be very good :bigsmile: ). But how can I include my current programs (structured in categorized directories) into the liberkey-launcher?
3. When I tried to download the OOo I just got the english version :S AND I think this will happens on many other progs. Can't you extend the homepage for german users, too? I guess this would help liberkey to get more users from their current competitor PortableApps.

Kind regards.
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Inscription: 10 Avril 2011, 13:08

Re: German Language Forum

Messagede nonimportant » 24 Août 2012, 04:18

Wegen drei Hanseln wird so ein Hobbyprojekt, das im Sommer regelmässig im Urlaub verlassen ist und dann auch keine Updates anbietet, sicherlich kein deutschsprachiges Forum einrichten.

schaut hier: ... -6029.html

Also Finger weg von dem Projekt und zurück zu PortableApps oder was sonst noch seriös unterstützt wird.

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Inscription: 24 Août 2012, 02:09

Re: German Language Forum

Messagede fnagel » 05 Septembre 2012, 17:50

Mister "ich hab 2 posts" muss es ja wissen. :whistle:

+1 for a german forum section. I'm willing to help out as a mod.
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Re: German Language Forum

Messagede manaeth » 11 Septembre 2012, 23:14

Here is another german speaking user. Vote +1 for german language section :side:

Es muss ja imho gar keine komplettes Forum sein. Eine einzelne Sektion würde doch durchaus reichen ... so viele Threads werden es vermutlich ohnehin nicht.

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Inscription: 11 Septembre 2012, 23:02
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Re: German Language Forum

Messagede kokbira » 13 Septembre 2012, 17:25

Well, ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsche. I would like to see that German forum created too.

I think LK would create forums on more languages, Spanish for example (I would like it in Portuguese, my mother language, but there aren't so many countries that use it...). It would popularize the forum. The problem is that we would have more moderators, one per certain language group...
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